The Plasmatherm DTMThe Plasmatherm DTM

The Plasmatherm DTM

The plasmatherm is a device for thawing out and warming of all bagged conserves of fresh frozen plasma [FFP], blood and erythrocyte concentrates [EC], cryopreserved preparations, cryopreserved stem cells [HPC] or infusions solutions.

The Plasmatherm DTM

√  Faster thawing for plasma due to modified warm-up

√  Provable and documentable thawing and warming processes

√  Contamination- and infection protection for users and patient due to unique leakage control

√  Visible hygiene due to smooth surfaces

√  Economic and ecological operation

√  Self-check

√  No corrosion

The Plasmatherm DTM

√  Hospital blood transfusion department, Blood bank